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Economic and dam related articles

BPA Identifies Projects to Add Wind, Transmission

by Dean Brickey
East Oregonian, June 25, 2011

PORTLAND -- The Bonneville Power Administration is proposing two transmission line upgrades in Washington and Montana that would deliver 3,200 additional megawatts of electricity, including 1,900 megawatts of wind power.

The 3,200 MW of new service equates to about triple the generating capacity of Bonneville Dam.

The agency plans to use four high-voltage lines already under construction or consideration. The two new projects are the result of a BPA process to better gauge demand for new transmission and manage BPA's transmission queue. BPA workers will complete preliminary engineering and environmental review of the projects, which could take one to two years and will decide whether to proceed with the projects after that.

Dean Brickey
BPA Identifies Projects to Add Wind, Transmission
East Oregonian, June 25, 2011

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