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Commentaries and editorials

Salmon and Steelhead

by Trinity Compton
Idaho Statesman, December 26, 2021

I am a junior at Boise High and part of the Youth Salmon Protectors. I care about wild salmon and steelhead because the rivers that bring abundance to my home state depend on them.

The outdoors are what make Idaho great. I've grown up swimming, rafting, and fishing, and I can't imagine generations after me not being able to do the same.

Without the salmon and steelhead, 137 other animal species are doomed. Failing to take action now to save our wild rivers means failing today's youth and generations of Idahoans to come.

The science is clear: the four Lower Snake River dams are responsible for the decline of our keystone fish. Right now we have what may be the last opportunity to save these animals, and we must take it.

Not only does Rep. Mike Simpson's plan ensure protection of Idaho's keystone species but it also ensures tribal justice, ecotourism, cleaner renewable energy, and so much more.

I urge readers to call Sen. Mike Crapo and ask him to help secure funding for the Columbia Basin Initiative.

Trinity Compton, Garden City
Salmon and Steelhead
Idaho Statesman, December 26, 2021

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