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Test Driving Electric Cars for BPA

by Staff
BPA Journal, October, 2006

Employees at BPA's Ross Complex in Vancouver test drove a variety of all-electric vehicles in September. They gave input on the types of vehicles that could be used to work on the large campus and to run tasks in the community. This is part of BPA's effort to help conserve fuel, reduce emissions and cut costs. BPA plans to order five to six vehicles for use at Ross and the local Vancouver area during the next year.

Some of the all-electric vehicles operate at a cost of about one cent a mile, compared to 16 cents or more per mile for standard fossil fuel cars. The energy equivalency mileage of the electric car is about 300 miles per gallon. At $3 gasoline, that's a big savings over 20-mpg gas cars.

Related Pages:
The River Contains the Secret to Drive a National Energy Revolution by Jack Robertson The Register-Guard, 2/16/3

"Experts say it takes 38 kilowatt hours of electricity to produce the hydrogen equivalent of a gallon of gas."

Test Driving Electric Cars for BPA
BPA Journal, November 13, 2006

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