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Elected Officials Celebrate Completion
of Columbia River Dredging Project

by April Baer
Oregon Public Broadcasting, October 21, 2010

(Brent Wojahn) Back in March, a dredge near Longview, Wash., finished up some of the final work on the 20-year Columbia River dredging project. Officials from Oregon and Washington celebrated the completion of the project Thursday in Vancouver, Wash. Thursday in Vancouver a high-powered list of elected leaders celebrated the completion of a major engineering project.

The Columbia River's shipping channel has been dredged and deepened to 43 feet. Before now, the river couldn't accommodate a new generation of larger shipping vessels.

Oregon House Speaker Dave Hunt says regional grain exporters missed a lot of opportunities.

Dave Hunt "They couldn't fully load these ships. There were ships leaving the port empty."

Hunt says ships had to carry less cargo or risk getting stuck in the channel.

Dave Hunt "Now as a result of this deeper channel, they'll be able to add 6000 tons of additional cargo per ship."

Washington and Oregon started funding the project during the last recession for a total investment of about $55 million. The federal government paid an additional $140 million.

April Baer
Elected Officials Celebrate Completion of Columbia River Dredging Project <-- Listen at original site.
Oregon Public Broadcasting, October 21, 2010

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