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States End Non-Tribal Spring
Salmon Fishing on Columbia River

by Bill Munroe
The Oregonian, May 20, 2020

(Exodus Wilderness Adventures photo) A big chinook brings a big smile. Faced with a downgraded Columbia spring chinook salmon run, poor recent catches and predicted shortages of fish at several upriver hatcheries, Oregon and Washington on Wednesday decided against proposed sport and commercial fishing seasons in the next week.

Both proposals also met with stiff resistance from anglers and gill-netters, concerned about the low numbers. In an unusually long three-hour meeting, testimony from dozens of sport and commercial fishers was nearly unanimous against further fishing.

Tribal officials and Idaho also voiced concern about low numbers of both hatchery and wild fish over Bonneville Dam.

Agencies in both states will spend the next few weeks closely watching numbers at Bonneville.

Bill Munroe
States End Non-Tribal Spring Salmon Fishing on Columbia River
The Oregonian, May 20, 2020

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