<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>96 Container Brochure for Buyers, Robert Stokes, Wheat Life</TITLE> </HEAD> <body bgcolor="FFFFFF" text="000000" link="0000FF" vlink="FF0000" alink="0000FF"> <basefont face="Arial, Tahoma, Times New Roman" size="3" color="#000033"> <TABLE border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0"> <TR align="left" valign="top"> <td><small> <A href="https://sgi25.netservers.net/bluefish.org/thefilm.htm">the film</A><br> <A href="forum.htm">forum</A><br> <A href="library.htm">library</A><br> <A href="tutorial.htm">tutorial</A><br> <A href="contact.htm">contact</A> </small></td> <TD> <A href="economic.htm"><img src="images/economic.gif" border="0" width="110" height="110" align="center" alt="Economic and dam related articles"></a> <TD> <CENTER><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica" COLOR="0000FF"> <strong><BIG><H2 align="center">Container Brochure for Buyers</H2> </BIG></STRONG></FONT><FONT COLOR="FF0000">by Robert Stokes, Natural Resource Economist <BR>Wheat Life, February 2007</FONT></CENTER> </TABLE> <HR> <P align="left"> The use of containers to ship wheat is emerging as an important niche in bringing buyer and seller together to satisfy specific needs. To assist in this delivery option, the Washington Wheat Commission (WWC) has published and made available to buyers a new brochure titled "WHEAT by Request-Resources for purchasing and shipping wheat by container."

Earlier, the PNW wheat commissions held a container seminar entitled "Diversify Your Wheat Markets" for producers and elevator operators, bringing together industry specialists to meet and discuss demand and the role containers can play in moving wheat to buyers, along with some of the mechanics for doing so.

This new brochure is targeted to buyers and provides a snapshot of wheat classes available; ocean carriers calling the respective West Coast ports; Web-based sources for West Coast transload centers; ports; the various methods by which containers move; and some of the advantages containers can provide to buyers. Freight forwarders are highlighted as an important element and a supplier list is also made available.

USDA reports shipments of all grain by container to Asia continue to grow and during 2006 container shipments were up significantly (see chart not shown on this website). Buyers are finding that in some cases, containers provide a mechanism to obtain smaller, specified shipments to meet their particular needs. With the proliferation of containers moving eastbound in the Pacific trade lanes, rates are often favorable for westbound containerized wheat to locations in Asia. Containers are not likely to replace the bulk system, but with an ever-increasingly sophisticated wheat market, the option to diversify delivery methods can be one more tool for growers and shippers to increase competitiveness. The WWC is committed to being proactive in marketing issues and opportunities such as containers, to provide market enhancement for Washington wheat producers.

Access the brochure at www.wawheat.com or obtain copies by calling the WWC office at 509-456-2481.

<HR> <strong>Robert Stokes</strong> is a retired natural-resource economist who lives in Spokane. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Washington, where he taught in the Institute for Marine Studies from 1974 to 1994.<br> <A href="http://www.wheatlifemagazine.com/0207/pg16_0207.pdf"> <I>Container Brochure for Buyers</I></a><BR> <strong>Wheat Life</STRONG>, February 2007 <HR> <P align="center"><CENTER> <BIG><strong>See what you can learn</STRONG></BIG><P> <A href="topic.htm">learn more on topics covered in the film</A><BR> <A href="https://sgi25.netservers.net/bluefish.org/video.htm">see the video</A><BR> <A href="script.htm">read the script</A><BR> <A href="songs.htm">learn the songs</A><BR> <A href="forum.htm">discussion forum</A><BR> <IMG src="salmon_swimming_md_wht.gif" width=150 height=70 alt="salmon animation"> </CENTER> </basefont> </body> </HTML>