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Economic and dam related articles

Corps Finds Crack in Holding Tank
for Adult Fish at Lower Granite Dam

by Eric Barker
Lewiston Tribune, February 5, 2015

Cracko on north side of fish holding tank at Lower Granite Dam on the Lower Snaker River. Crack on west wall of fish holding tank at Lower Granite Dam on the Lower Snaker River. Officials with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are considering their options to deal with a crack in a concrete tank at an adult fish-trapping facility at Lower Granite Dam west of Lewiston.

Corps spokesman Bruce Henrickson said the crack was discovered last month and appeared while a nearby well that is part of a wastewater treatment facility was being demolished.

Eric Barker
Corps Finds Crack in Holding Tank for Adult Fish at Lower Granite Dam
Lewiston Tribune, February 5, 2015

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