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Economic and dam related articles

Dix Set to Begin $25 Million
Worth of Dam Lock-gate Work

by Mike McLean
Spokane Journal of Business, December 3, 2010

Dix Corp., a Spokane heavy-construction contractor, is expected to start work this month on a project to replace a 1.7 million-pound navigation lock gate at Lower Monumental Dam. The project is one of two such jobs it has won worth a combined total of $25.5 million.

Lower Monumental is on the Snake River about 100 miles southwest of Spokane. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers late last year awarded Dix a $12 million contract to replace the gate, then earlier this year awarded it a $1...

Mike McLean
Dix Set to Begin $25 Million Worth of Dam Lock-gate Work <-- Full article available by subscription at original site.
Spokane Journal of Business, December 3, 2010

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