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Commentaries and editorials

Snake River:
'Extinction is Forever'

by Bill Daugaard
Seattle Times, August 27, 2020

20 years ago, Lonesome Larry was the only sockeye salmon to make the 800-mile trip from the Pacific Ocean to Redfish Lake, once a popular spawning area for salmon. Re: "US: Snake River dams will not be removed to save salmon" [July 31, Northwest]:

The federal government's decision to keep the four dams on the Lower Snake River is profoundly misguided and likely a death knell for salmon, and ultimately orcas, in our region. Extinction is forever, and this decision will ensure their disappearance within my grandchildren's lifetimes.

Targeted investments in wind, solar and energy efficiency can replace the electricity generated by the dams, and transportation alternatives already exist for moving farm products to market. But there are no alternatives to viable salmon habitat and orca food sources.

I urge Sens. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell to lead in enacting legislation to preserve these essential elements of life in the Pacific Northwest.

Bill Daugaard, Kirkland
Snake River: 'Extinction is Forever'
Seattle Times, August 27, 2020

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