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ESA Transparency Bills go to House Floor

by Matthew Weaver
Capital Press, May 6, 2014

The House Committee on Natural Resources has approved legislation to improve the Endangered Species Act.
Rep. Doc Hastings says the four new bills promote data and cost transparency.

(Kevin Wolf/Associated Press) House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings, R-Wash., left, shares a laugh with Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., right, before the start of a committee hearing Jan. 26 in Washington, D.C. The House Natural Resources Committee has approved four bills designed to modernize the Endangered Species Act.

They will next go to the House floor. A vote has not yet been scheduled.

The four bills are:

"I think it would benefit our agriculture industry to know exactly what data is being used" and how decisions are made, Hastings told the Capital Press.

Hastings said the agriculture community would benefit from the bill that requires more local input.

The four bills don't provide comprehensive reform of the act, Hastings said, but instead attempt to bring more transparency to the process.

The bills were created by a working group of 13 members across the United States and nine committee hearings.

"I'm not under any illusions that the Senate will take up what the House has passed," Hastings said. "This is an effort to start a larger conversation that we need to have on reforming the Endangered Species Act."

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Matthew Weaver
ESA Transparency Bills go to House Floor
Capital Press, May 6, 2014

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