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Ecology and salmon related articles

Alan Liere's Fishing-hunting
Report for September 28

by Alan Liere
Spokesman-Review, September 28, 2023

Smolt to Adult Return (SAR) estimates for Spring/Summer Chinook passing Lower Granite dam on their migration to and from the Pacific Ocean. . . .

Salmon and steelhead

Idaho Fish and Game said the steelhead run over Lower Granite is the second largest since 2012. Salmon and steelhead are being counted at the dam, with 935 chinook counted on Sunday along with 130 jacks. On the same day, 1,665 unclipped steelhead were counted along with 397 that were clipped.

Reel Time Fishing out of Clarkston said it is picking up a few chinook, a few steelhead and a few coho each day from the Clearwater. The chinook limit is three, steelhead and coho two. The cooler weather means it's also time to start checking out the Grande Ronde River for steelhead.

The Marine Area 10 coho limit was reduced in early August due to high catches in June and July and concern for natural coho impacts that occur in Area 10. Since then, catch has leveled off to preseason expectations, and the coho limit is again two per day.

The Hanford Reach fall salmon fishing is just taking off, with a sharp increase in catches recorded in the past week. The best bite has been at around 20 feet.

. . .

Alan Liere
Alan Liere's Fishing-hunting Report for September 28
Spokesman-Review, September 28, 2023

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