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BPA Plans for Future of EE

by Staff
BPA Journal, February 2009

BPA is launching a new public process to enhance energy efficiency programs in the Pacific Northwest. This comes on the heels of a banner year for BPA and its customer utilities, as the agency significantly surpassed its regional conservation goal. The new public process will facilitate improvements on this successful efficiency effort.

Numerous factors are driving BPA's initiative to update its energy efficiency program including new state regulations requiring energy efficiency, a need to meet increasing electricity demand and a national focus on energy independence. BPA's focus on energy efficiency also supports President Obama's goals of enhancing the economy, securing energy independence and reducing greenhouse gases.

"BPA wants to hear directly from customers and other regional stakeholders," says Mike Weedall, BPA vice president of Energy Efficiency. "We want input about the role BPA should play in developing, incentivizing and monitoring energy efficiency programs."

The region has been a national leader in energy efficiency for more than 30 years, and 2008 served as a landmark for BPA in terms of surpassing its regional goal. In partnership with its utility customers, the agency captured over 76 average megawatts of new conservation savings against a target of 52 aMW. This translates to the equivalent power consumption of about 65,000 households in the Pacific Northwest.

The public process will also help define BPA's role in energy efficiency after 2011, when a new tiered-rate structure kicks in as part of new long-term power sales contracts. Energy efficiency is affected by this new rate structure because it provides a financial incentive for utilities to acquire the least-cost energy efficient resources to avoid paying market rate power prices for new load growth.

For more information about this initiative, see the public involvement section or go to

BPA Plans for Future of EE
BPA Journal, February 2009

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