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Green Light for Idaho's
Largest Solar Project

by George Prentice
Boise Weekly, September 22, 2010

Idaho's largest solar power project is now expected to get underway in early 2011. It's taken longer than expected to sort through the mountain of paperwork, but construction of what is expected to be Idaho's largest solar power project is now expected to get underway in early 2011.

The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has approved an agreement for Grand View Solar PV One to provide supplemental energy to Idaho Power. When completed, acres of solar panels on land leased from the J.R. Simplot Company just west of Mountain Home will be the largest commercial operation of its kind in the Gem State and the only agreement of its kind with Idaho Power (BW, "The Good, the Bad, the Green of Alternative Energy," July 21, 2010).

The Idaho PUC began evaluating the agreement under the provisions of the federal Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act on July 1 and wrapped up its review last week. The $75 million construction project is expected to take six to eight months to complete.

George Prentice
Green Light for Idaho's Largest Solar Project
Boise Weekly, September 22, 2010

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