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Commentaries and editorials

How About a King-Salmon
Hiatus to Help Save Orcas?

by Harpur Evoy
Seattle Times, August 9, 2019

A baby orca whale calf known as J-51 swims with J-19, who is believed to be its mother, near San Juan Island Feb. 12, 2015. (Photo DAVID ELLIFRIT/CENTER FOR WHALE RESEARCH) I realize my opinion is not well received by my fishing buddies, but why don't we leave king salmon alone for a couple of years? All of us, commercial and sports fishers alike. Then we could rejoice in their regeneration. And it would make our whale brothers and sisters happy.

It's great to have a hunk of king salmon, but there's nothing wrong with a nice piece of sockeye or coho on the plate.

And while we're at it, why don't we do like we did in the old days and watch those whales from the beach? Who ever gave us permission to invade their space like we do?

We're screwing up royally, and we gotta stop.

Harpur Evoy, Bellingham
How About a King-Salmon Hiatus to Help Save Orcas?
Seattle Times, August 9, 2019

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