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Numerical data in tables

Idaho Power (2001) - Ranking Dams

Letter from Reed Burkholder
December 5, 2001

Contributions to Idaho Power's supply of electricity in 2001
(12 Months ending September 2001)

  Idaho Power
Facility Name1
% of
1 Jim Bridger (coal fired) 5,470,985 625 40.3 %
2 Valmy (coal fired) 1,856,039 212 13.7 %
3 Brownlee 1,654,443 189 12.2 %
4 Hells Canyon 1,416,874 162 10.5 %
5 Oxbow 724,768 83 5.4 %
6 Boardman (coal fired) 443,430 51 3.3 %
7 C.J. Strike 388,746 44 2.9 %
8 Bliss 324,316 37 2.4 %
9 American Falls 236,679 27 1.7 %
10 Upper Salmon Falls 223,892 26 1.7 %
11 Lower Salmon Falls 218,618 25 1.6 %
12 Swan Falls 123,375 14 .91%
13 Lower Malad 112,443 13 .83%
14 Shoshone Falls 92,360 11 .68%
15 Upper Malad 61,450 7 .45%
16 Twin Falls 59,037 7 .44%
17 Thousand Springs 58,173 7 .43%
18 Milner 39,826 5 .29%
19 Cascade 24,785 3 .18%
20 Clear Lake 15,373 2 .11%
Total Hydropower 5,775,158 659 42.6 %
Total Coal-fired 7,770,454 887 57.4 %
Total Idaho Power 13,545,612 1,546 100 %

1 Power plants owned or partially owned by the Idaho Power Company

Source: Idaho Power Company - net generation, September 2001 (acquired through the Idaho Public Utility Commission)

Ten new power projects are listed in the November issue of BPA's monthly, "Journal." Several of these are quite large in output (though each will occupy just a handful of acres).

The gas turbine proposed for Wallula, Washington will be 1,300 megawatts.

BPA proposes to build 34 miles of 500-kV transmission line from a proposed 1,300 megawatt combined cycle combustion turbine gas-fired in Wallula, Wash., to McNary Substation, Ore. The turbine is proposed by Newport Northwest, LLC. BPA is working with the Washington Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council on environmental review of the entire project. A draft EIS is expected in January 2002.
The same technology is planned for a 1,200 megawatt power plant in Starbuck, Washington.
BPA proposes to construct about 16 miles of 500-kV transmission line from the proposed Starbuck Power Plant to Lower Monumental Substation to connect the 1,200 megawatt, combined-cycle combustion-turbine into the power grid. Existing lines are near capacity. BPA is cooperating with the Washington Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council; EFSEC has the lead for environmental review of the generation project; BPA has the lead on integrating transmission. About 50 people attended a public scoping meeting Oct. 3. A draft EIS is expected in January 2002.
And in Umatilla County, Oregon a 1,000-megawatt gas turbine is on the drawing board.
The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation have requested interconnection of the Wanapa Energy Center, a proposed new 1000-megawatt gas-fired combined-cycle combustion turbine power generation project, into the transmission grid. The project would be located on land held in trust by the United States for the benefit of the tribes. The Bureau of Indian Affairs intends to prepare an environmental impact statement on the project and BPA has requested to be a cooperating agency. BIA expects to release the draft EIS in April 2002.
In contrast, Idaho Power's generation for the past 12 months at each of its power plants is listed above. Several observations:
  1. Each of Idaho Power's hydro plants is averaging between 2 and 189 megawatts.
  2. Only two of seventeen of Idaho Power's hydro projects are producing more than 100 megawatts - Brownlee Dam (which flooded nearly 60 miles of the Snake River) which is averaging 189 megawatts and Hells Canyon Dam which is averaging 162 megawatts.
  3. All of Idaho Power's hydro plants combined have been averaging 659 megawatts.
  4. Idaho Power's three coal-fired generators are producing more power than its seventeen hydro facilities - 887aMW from coal vs. 659aMW from hydro.

Related pages:
Idaho Power (1995) - Ranking Dams
Electricity in Idaho & the Northwest

Reed Burkholder - Boise
Idaho Power (2001) - Ranking Dams, Letter
Idaho Mountain Express - June 2, 1999

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