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Numerical data in tables

Irrigated Agriculture

Reed Burkholder - March 24, 1997

Irrigated agriculture using water from the 4 lower Snake River dams amounts to 35,000 acres, all near Ice Harbor reservoir. Water is pumped from the top of the full reservoir to cropland 20-560 vertical feet above the surface of the reservoir.

Washington's total cropland is about 6,500,000 acres. The 35,000 irrigated acres which use Ice Harbor water amount to roughly 1/2 of 1% of Washington's total cropland.

1992 Cropland (examples)

State Irrigated acres Acres in Cropland % Irrigated
California 7,571,000 8,017,000 94%
Nebraska 6,312,000 19,428,000 32%
Texas 4,912,000 21,574,000 23%
Idaho 3,260,000 4,799,000 68%
Colorado 3,170,000 8,348,000 38%
Arkansas 2,702,000 7,566,000 36%
Kansas 2,680,000 25,213,000 11%
Montana 1,978,000 13,941,000 14%
Washington 1,641,000 6,500,000 25%
Oregon 1,622,000 3,720,000 44%
Arizona 956,000 961,000 99%
Missouri 709,000 12,529,000 6%
Oklahoma 512,000 9,996,000 5%
South Dakota 371,000 15,458,000 2%
North Dakota 187,000 24,444,000 <1%
Iowa 116,000 23,414,000 <1%
Kentucky 28,000 4,977,000 <1%

Source: Agricultual Statistics 1998, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Columbia Basin Irrigated Acres
Bureau of Reclamation Projects

Project Irrigated acres
Minidoka-Palisades (Idaho) 1,059,397
Boise (Idaho) 321,921
Columbia Basin (Washington) 526,602
Yakima (Washington) 369,921
Deschutes (Oregon) 83,975
Owyhee (Oregon & Idaho) 103,185

Source: 1991 Summary Statistics, Water, Land, and Related Data U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation

Reed Burkholder
Irrigated Agriculture
Fact Sheet - (?)1998

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