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Juvenile Fish Barging - Photo Gallery

by Bob Brawdy
Tri-City Herald, May 21, 2010

Many people play a role in the transportation of juvenile salmon and steelhead past dams on the Snake and Columbia rivers. Researchers,deckhands, barge riders, biologists, technicians, towboat captains and more contribute to the program using specially modified barges to augment the natural migration of fish to the ocean. Biologists with the Army Corps of Engineers say there is a 99 percent survival rate among the millions of smolts that are loaded onto barges and hauled from collection sites at three lower Snake River dams and hauled past Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River for release.

Juvenile Fish Barging

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Bob Brawdy
Juvenile Fish Barging - Photo Gallery
Tri-City Herald, May 21, 2010

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