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U.S. Awards Lower Granite Hydro Project
Generator Rewind Contract to Alstom

by PennWell
Hydroworld, June 30, 2010

WALLA WALLA, Wash., -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers awarded Alstom Power Inc. a $2.18 million contract to rewind main generator Unit 3 at the 810-MW Lower Granite hydroelectric project on the Snake River in Washington.

The contract work includes installation of a government-furnished stator winding on Unit 3, a Westinghouse generator rated at 143,105 kilovolt-amperes. The work items include providing technical guidance for existing winding removal, electrical testing, stator core inspection, stator core minor repair and cleaning and installation of new winding. Work also includes painting, commissioning support and furnishing of a new shaft sleeve and thrust bearing oil cooler assembly.

Additional optional work items might be ordered as they are encountered during the work. The work will begin in July 2010 and is to be completed by Dec. 31, 2010.

In other news, Alstom has been awarded an equipment contract worth EUR18 million (US$22.5 million) from Dans Energy for the 96-MW Jorethang Loop hydropower project in Sikkim, India.

U.S. Awards Lower Granite Hydro Project Generator Rewind Contract to Alstom
Hydroworld, June 30, 2010

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