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Campaign to Remove Snake River Dams
Makes Tri-Cities Stop

by Bob Brawdy
Tri-City Herald, September 26, 2023

Palouse Chief Tom Estimo speaks at Sacajawea State Park near Pasco, Wash., during a two-week, three state indigenous-led campaign supporting removal of the Snake River dams to restore a free-flowing river. They planned stops in Spokane and Lewiston before ending in Seattle on Oct. 1. The stops feature a traveling steel sculpture by a Lummi Nation member. The House of Carvers Tears of Lummi Nation held a smudging ceremony incorporating the bowl at the center of the art piece, which features buffalo, bear, eagle and orca to represent the sacred connections that are the highlight of the campaign. (BOB BRAWDY photo) Palouse Chief Tom Estimo speaks to a gathering at Sacajawea State Park near Pasco during an "All Our Relations Snake River Campaign" stop.

The two-week, three state indigenous-led campaign supporting removal of Snake River dams and restoration of a free-flowing lower Snake River also planned stops in Spokane and Lewiston, Idaho, before concluding in Seattle on Oct. 1. The campaign stops feature a steel sculpture by Lummi Nation member A. Cyaltsa Finkbonner. The House of Carvers Tears of Lummi Nation held a smudging ceremony incorporating the bowl at the center of the art piece, which features buffalo, bear, eagle and orca to represent the sacred connections that are the highlight of the campaign.

Bob Brawdy
Campaign to Remove Snake River Dams Makes Tri-Cities Stop
Tri-City Herald, September 26, 2023

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