the film

Manipulating the Ocean

by Benjamin B. Stout
Columbia Basin Bulletin, June 23, 2006

You say in item #7 in last week's CBB, "...impossible for man to manipulate the ocean."

Who says so? Why can't we take the nutrients that presently go into land fills along the Pacific Rim and put them in specific locations in the Pacific where they could contribute to fish growth?

You must know that runs go to specific locations in the Pacific. Why not "fertilize" those areas?

It would give the fishing vessels something to do and increase the productivity of the ocean. A win-win situation.

Had just half of the money that has been spent on terrestrial treatments (described in item # 5) been used for such a purpose the condition of salmon runs in 2006 might be much better off and have something to show for the effort.

Benjamin B. Stout Albany, Oregon
Manipulating the Ocean
Columbia Basin Bulletin, June 23, 2006

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