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Economic and dam related articles

Oregon May Get Lower Electric Rates

by Associated Press
CNN Money, March 12, 2008

Portland General Electric to Sign Deal With BPA to Reduce Electric Rates for Residents

NEW YORK - The Oregon Public Utility Commission has ordered Portland General Electric Co. to sign a temporary agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration to reduce electric rates for residential and small farm customers.

PGE will file to reduce its rates beginning April 15 - assuming no legal challenges to Bonneville.

The average residential customer will likely see more than a 6 percent rate reduction, or about $5.50 a month.

A federal court ruling last year forced Bonneville to cut off benefits provided by its residential exchange program.

The program spreads out the cost of electricity between public and private utilities by giving the private utilities a credit in exchange for Bonneville giving public utilities preferential access to hydroelectric power in the region

bluefish notes: 22 million compact fluorescent bulbs distributed to the region would offset the power output of 4 Lower Snake River dams

Associated Press
Oregon May Get Lower Electric Rates
CNN Money, March 12, 2008

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