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Numerical data in tables

Energy and Water Appropriations Requests:
Columbia Snake River System Inland Navigation

by Pacific NW Waterways Association, Fiscal Year 2009

Columbia Snake River System Inland Navigation

Barging on the Columbia Snake River system carries 10-12 million tons of cargo worth $1.5-2 billion annually. Barging feeds 50% of the wheat exports and 25% of the containers handled at the Lower Columbia ports.

FY2010 note: The Portland and Walla Walla Districts have collaborated to produce a long-term major maintenance plan for the inland navigation projects on the Columbia Snake River System. This planned work will take place from FY2010 to FY2017. The increased needs reflected in PNWA's FY2010 requests correspond to the critical nature of this work. If the Corps is not provided funding in a timely manner, lock outages and system unavailability could increase, affecting the economic well-being of farmers, shippers, ports and those who rely on the river system.

Operations & Maintenance FY2008 FY2009 Omnibus PNWA
FY2010 Request
Bonneville Lock & Dam 14,040,000 8,995,000 31,916,000
The Dalles Lock & Dam 3,680,000 7,143,000 16,154,000
John Day Lock & Dam 4,366,000 7,143,000 20,071,000
McNary Lock & Dam 5,283,000 4,811,000 22,399,000
Ice Harbor Lock & Dam 3,748,000 4,624,000 16,109,000
Lower Monumental Lock & Dam
including major maintenance plans & specs
2,962,000 4,329,000 16,311,000
Little Goose Lock & Dam 1,357,000 2,191,000 14,840,000
Lower Granite Lock & Dam 3,649,000 5,921,000 12,968,000
TOTAL 35,085,000 45,157,000 150,768,000

bluefish finds worthy of note this excerpt near the end of Senate Report 110-416 - ENERGY AND WATER DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATIONS BILL, 2009

Lower Monumental Lock and Dam, Washington and Oregon- The Committee recommends no funding for this new start recommended by the administration in the O&M account. The Committee believes it to be imprudent to initiate the major rehabilitation report that would be cost shared in the Inland Waterway Trust Fund when construction work has to be curtailed due to the funding shortfalls in the Inland Harbor Trust Fund. The Committee believes this project should not be initiated until the revenues have been enhanced for the Inland Waterway Trust Fund.

Pacific NW Waterways Association
Energy and Water Appropriations Requests: Columbia Snake River System Inland Navigation, Fiscal Year 2009

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