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Commentaries and editorials

Preserve Lower Snake Dams

by Dean G. Ickes
The Columbian, December 30, 2023

River Control

In this April 12, 2013 file photo, a container ship is docked in the foreground, and a grain barge is loaded in the background, at the Port of Lewiston in Lewiston, Idaho. (AP Photo/Nicholas K. Geranios) We have control of the Snake River. Do we really want to give that up? There are four dams now that not only provide needed transportation but electricity and also very important, river control.

We are under flood watch right now but thank goodness not from the Snake or Columbia rivers. For us older persons the Vanport flood was uncontrollable and a very scary event that none of us wants to ever see again. With the dams on the Columbia and Snake rivers we have been able to bring that kind event to an end. The four dams on the Columbia downstream from the Snake might not be able to stop us from flooding. Who is willing to take a chance on that?

(bluefish notes: the dams on the Lower Snake River do not provide flood protection. If anything, the uppermost dam increases flood risk upon Idaho border town of Lewiston.)

Dean G. Ickes is a politics reporter for The Columbian.
Preserve Lower Snake Dams
The Columbian, December 30, 2023

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