RedFish BlueFish and this website
a public library for anyone interested in the plight of Idaho's wild Salmon & Steelhead

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Cycles, Metaphor, Symbolism & Philosophy
Humanities Oriented

The following was prepared for Earth Day 2003 at the Riverstone School in Boise. before watching RedFish BlueFish, students were given ideas to think about and look for when viewing the film. This preparation seemed to stimulate the Question & Answer period after the screening of the film.

K-3 Cycles
Salmon life:

  1. Born in a mountain stream, from little eggs,
  2. Flush to the ocean,
  3. Eat well and grow large in the ocean.
  4. Return upstream as adults to “spawn” and create new eggs.
  5. The cycle is thus complete.
What other cycles do you see in the film?
What cycles do we see in the world around us? This list may be endless.

4-7 Metaphor & symbolism
Red boater w/ 1 paddle, and boater in blue kayak. What do they represent?
How does it become apparent what these boaters represent?
What do the dam walls symbolize?
What does the flowing water represent?
Are numbers representative of something? What does zero represent?

8-10 Philosophy
Contrast the philosophies of Newton & Descartes as presented in the film.
Is it possible for there to be complete emptiness?
Is it possible for there to be complete fullness?
Consider as well the Native American perspective.
What ancient Greek arguments apply to this discussion?
On what foundations are our beliefs based?
What evidence is supportive?
What difference does it make to even consider these thoughts?

RedFish BlueFish script, songs, preview & order
Discussion forum
Library of topics from the film
Tutorial on the Salmon issue
Contact information
Award winning film RedFish BlueFish
each effect is itself a cause