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Ecology and salmon related articles

Sacramento Chinook
Caught in Columbia River

by Staff
The Columbian, June 11, 2015

(Edward Stratton photo) Parker Ostrom, 12, pulls in a salmon while fishing on the Columbia River near Astoria, Ore. The fall Chinook salmon run on the Columbia River is the largest in the past 75 years--up to 835,000 adult chinook with more than 63,000 fish travelling up the rivers' Bonneville Dam fish ladder on a single day. The bounty of salmon will let officials extend the fishing season on the Lower Columbia River. NORTH BONNEVILLE -- A hatchery-origin chinook getting caught in the lower Columbia River is nothing unusual.

However, a chinook caught last week near Bonneville was far from the norm. It contained a coded-wire tag indicating it originated at Coleman National Fish Hatchery, which is on a tributary to the Sacramento River in California.

Not only that, it was a fall chinook.

Sacramento Chinook Caught in Columbia River
The Columbian, June 11, 2015

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