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Economic and dam related articles

NW Utilities, Agencies
Plan to Save 200 Megawatts

by Associated Press
Seattle Post-Intelligencer, May 4, 2010

PORTLAND, Ore. -- Public utilities and government agencies say they plan to increase energy efficiency over the next five years to save the Northwest about 200 average megawatts by 2014, enough to power 138,000 homes.

The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance on Tuesday pledged to renew its conservation program with $192 million in funding for the next five years.

The alliance is funded by the Bonneville Power Administration and represents about 130 public utilities in Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. It also receives funding from 13 major utilities and receives support from state governments and public interest groups.

Some alliance initiatives include increasing market share for efficient heating and cooling technologies, and promoting efficient new homes and commercial buildings.

Associated Press
NW Utilities, Agencies Plan to Save 200 Megawatts
Seattle Post-Intelligencer, May 4, 2010

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