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Simpson's Plan

by Shiva Rajbhandari
Idaho Statesman, April 22, 2021

Chinook salmon is a favorite catch for Idaho anglers. (Pete Zimowsky photo) Esto Perpetua.

Each year, Idaho's once renowned and abundant salmon runs decline. Scientists are emphatic: without breaching the four Lower Snake River dams, the wild chinook, sockeye and steelhead will go extinct. Congressman Mike Simpson's Columbia Basin Initiative will prevent this tragedy and ensure Idaho's children know the beauty of these fish.

Not only this, but the plan will also revitalize a $500 million annual fishing economy in Idaho, invest billions in Pacific Northwest energy and infrastructure, bring the Bonneville Power Administration back from the brink of bankruptcy, lower electricity prices, and improve transportation pricing for farmers along the Snake and Columbia.

Congressman Simpson has met with thousands of stakeholders across Idaho, Washington and Oregon and shown himself to be an effective leader and true Idahoan. It's time the rest of the Idaho delegation get on board. As a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Sen. Mike Crapo should immediately get to work securing funding for this proposal and communicating to his colleagues its vitality for the Northwest.

It would be a tragedy if Democrats roll out a $2 trillion infrastructure bill without adding necessary funding for Idaho because our elected officials are unwilling to come to the table.

Esto Perpetua.

Related Pages:
Salmon Support 137 Other Species by Ed Hunt, Environment News Service, 7/6/00

Shiva Rajbhandari, Boise
Simpson's Plan
Idaho Statesman, April 22, 2021

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