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Simpson Defends
Northwest Salmon Plan

by Staff
Local News 8 ABC/KIFI, August 12, 2021

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho - A powerful voice isn't backing down on the so-called Salmon Wars.

Congressman Mike Simpson is defending his plan to remove all four lower Snake River hydroelectric dams to let the river run free as salmon decline toward extinction.

During a presentation to the Idaho Falls City Club Wednesday, the Republican says his $34 billion plan would solve unending litigation, spiraling costs and help the environment..

"It is almost a misnomer to call the lower Snake River, a river. It's not a river anymore. It's a series of pools behind dams that increase predation of salmon, increase water temperatures to unhealthy levels for salmon, and if the temperature of the water gets above 68 degrees, you're in trouble. And you are going to see that this year," he said.

Simpson is also proposing spending billions of dollars to replace the benefits of the dams for agriculture, energy and transportation.

Simpson Defends Northwest Salmon Plan
Local News 8 ABC/KIFI, August 12, 2021

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