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Solar-power Farm
Near Cle Elum gets OK

by Associated Press
Seattle Times, October 7, 2010

ELLENSBURG -- Kittitas County commissioners have approved construction and operation plans for a $350 million solar-power farm near Cle Elum.

The Daily Record of Ellensburg reports that the decision Tuesday clears the way for detailed design and construction planning for the 400,000-panel Teanaway Solar Reserve.

It received a permit in August despite objections from environmentalists.

Developers say the project could generate enough electricity to power about 45,000 homes.

Related Pages:
World's Largest Solar Plant May be Built in Cle Elum by Sandi Doughton, Seattle Times, 7/9/9

Associated Press
Solar-power Farm Near Cle Elum gets OK
Seattle Times, October 7, 2010

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