the film


Numerical data in tables

Spill Operations at Columbia and Snake River Dams
2000, 2004 and 2010 Operations

Bonneville Power Administration
Exhibit A, Case 3:01-cv-00640-RE Document 1837-1, Filed 02/11/11

The following table shows increases in spill to improve juvenile salmon passage conditions implemented at lower Snake and Columbia River dams since the 2000 BiOp. Generally, these spill increases include:

Spill Operations at Columbia and Snake River Dams
2000, 2004 and 2010 Operations

Dam Season 2000 Operations1 2004 Operations1 2010 Operations2 Change from 2000 to 2010
bluefish estimate4
spring 75 kcfs day
Gas Cap night
75 kcfs day
Gas Cap night
24-hour spill (100 kcfs) (0.5 x 25 + 0.5 x 100)
= 62 kcfs
62 kcfs x 3.7 MWh/kcfs x 2160 hr
= 500,000 MWh
The Dalles spring 24-hour spill (40%) 24-hour spill (40%) 24-hour spill (40%) 0 kcfs 0
John Day spring nighttime spill (60%) nighttime spill (60%) 24-hour spill (30%) 0.5 x -0.3 x 250 + 0.5 x 0.3 x 250 =
0 kcfs
(assume ~250 kcfs)
spring nighttime spill (Gas Cap) nighttime spill (Gas Cap) 24-hour spill (40%) 0.4 x 250
= 100 kcfs
100 kcfs x 4.9 MWh/kcfs x 2160 hr
= 1,000,000 MWh
Subtotal 162 kcfs 1,500,000 MWh
Ice Harbor spring 45 kcfs day
Gas Cap night
24-hour spill (20 kcfs) Testing 30% vs. 45 kcfs day
Gas Cap night
0 kcfs 0
Lower Monumental spring 24-hour spill (Gas Cap) 24-hour spill (Gas Cap) 24-hour spill (Gas Cap) 0 kcfs 0
Little Goose
(assume ~100 kcfs)
spring nighttime spill (Gas Cap) nighttime spill (Gas Cap) 24-hour spill (30%) 0.5 x 100 =
50 kcfs
50 kcfs x 6.9 MWh/kcfs x 2160 hr
= 750,000 MWh
Lower Granite
(assume ~100 kcfs)
spring nighttime spill (Gas Cap) 24-hour spill (20 kcfs) 24-hour spill (20 kcfs) 0.5 x 100 =
50 kcfs
50 kcfs x 6.9 MWh/kcfs x 2160 hr
= 750,000 MWh
Subtotal 100 kcfs 1,500,000 MWh
Bonneville summer 75 kcfs day
Gas Cap night
75 kcfs day
Gas Cap night
85 kcfs day
Gas Cap night
0.5 x 10 =
5 kcfs
5 kcfs x 3.7 MWh/kcfs x 2160 hr
= 40,000 MWh
The Dalles summer 24-hour spill (40%) 24-hour spill (40%) 24-hour spill (40%) 0 kcfs 0
John Day summer nighttime spill (60%) 24-hour spill (30%) 24-hour spill (30%) 0.5 x -0.3 x 150 + 0.5 x 0.3 x 150 =
0 kcfs
(assume ~150 kcfs)
summer no spill no spill 24-hour spill (50%) 0.5 x 150 =
75 kcfs
75 kcfs x 4.9 MWh/kcfs x 2160 hr
= 800,000 MWh
Subtotal 80 kcfs 840,000 MWh
Ice Harbor summer 45 kcfs day
Gas Cap night
45 kcfs day
Gas Cap night
Testing 30% vs. 45 kcfs day
Gas Cap night
0 kcfs 0
Lower Monumental summer no spill no spill 324-hour spill (17 kcfs) 17 kcfs 17 kcfs x 7 MWh/kcfs x 2160 hr
= 260,000 MWh
Little Goose
(assume ~35 kcfs)
summer no spill no spill 324-hour spill (30%) 0.3 x 35 =
10 kcfs
10 kcfs x 6.9 MWh/kcfs x 2160 hr
= 150,000 MWh
Lower Granite summer no spill no spill 324-hour spill (20 kcfs) 20 kcfs 20 kcfs x 6.9 MWh/kcfs x 2160 hr
= 300,000 MWh
Subtotal 47 kcfs 710,000 MWh
  TOTAL 390 kcfs ~4,500,000 MWh
= $160 million ($35/MWh)

Gas Cap refers to spilling so as not to exceed State Water Quality standards of Total Dissolved Gas (%TDG).
( %) denotes percentage of the river to be spilled
( kcfs) denotes thousand cubic feet per second

1 2007 FCRPS Biological Assessment, Appendix Table A-10
2 2010 Spring and Summer Fish Operations Plans, 2010 Corps Administrative Record 00349 at 008244 and 01439 at 027729
3 Summer 24-hour spill began in 2005 as part of the 2005 court order
4 MW/kcfs conversion factors for each dam from Power from River Flow webpage.

Exhibit A, Case 3:01-cv-00640-RE Document 1837-1
Spill Operations at Columbia and Snake River Dams: 2000, 2004 and 2010 Operations
Bonneville Power Administration, Filed February 11, 2011

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