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Step Up for Salmon

by Kat Beck
Moscow-Pullman Daily News, August 17, 2021

Map showing location of 4 lower Snake River dams and reservoirs being considered for removal The nation’s attention is now on the survival of the giant whales that glide through the cool waters of the Pacific Northwest. Recently, beloved K21, or Cappuccino, passed away from unknown causes, but scientists say that it was likely furthered by the lack of their main source of food, chinook salmon.

Four dams on the Lower Snake River block the salmon’s pathway to their spawning grounds. Many solutions have been proposed to bring our salmon back. But, the only real solution is to breach the dams. This would allow salmon to migrate to their spawning grounds swiftly, and regenerate the salmon populations that are reaching quasi-extinction levels.

Now is the time for U.S. Sens. Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray to step up and create a comprehensive plan to save our salmon and protect our southern resident orcas.

Kat Beck, Olympia
Step Up for Salmon
Moscow-Pullman Daily News, August 17, 2021

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