the film
Numerical data in tables

Washington Water Power 1993

Fact Sheet by Reed Burkholder, March 24, 1997

Where does Washington Water Power's electricity come from? In 1993, 57.5% came from generators it owns and 42.5% came from purchases from generators owned by others. About 10% came from the Bonneville Power Administration's system of 29 federal dams. About 1% came from the 4 lower Snake River dams.

Listed below are the sources of Washington Water Power's electricity.

Generators owned by the Washington Water Power
1 Noxon Rapids, Montana 1,613,396 14.6 %
2 Centralia, Washington (burns coal) 1,256,845 11.4 %
3 Colstrip #3 & #4, Montana (burns coal) 1,200,936 10.9 %
4 Cabinet Gorge, Idaho 1,017,886 9.2 %
5 Long Lake, Washington 398,905 3.62 %
6 Kettle Falls, Washington (burns wood) 307,968 2.79 %
7 Little Falls, Washington 176,482 1.60 %
8 Nine Mile Falls, Washington 95,857 0.87 %
9 Monroe Street, Washington 81,430 0.74 %
10 Upper Falls, Washington 80,206 0.73 %
11 Post Falls, Idaho 76,285 0.69 %
12 Northeast Turbine (burns gas) 25,637 0.23 %
13 Meyers Falls, Washington 7,144 0.06 %
Purchased Power    
  Public agencies including municipalities 1,588,573 14.4 %
  (Lake Chelan2, Rocky Reach, Priest Rapids, Wanapum, and Wells Projects)    
  Investor owned electric utilities 1,341,881 12.2 %
  Bonneville Power Administration3 1,101,507 9.98 %
  Non Utility sources such as cogeneration 563,465 5.11 %
  Exchanges Received and Delivered (net) 80,686 0.73 %
  International Imports 14,343 0.13 %
Total net energy for distribution 11,029,432  

1 source: Uniform Statistical Report - Year ended December 31, 1993, Washington Water Power Company, page E-16 and E-18
2 The Washington Water Power Company 1993 Annual Report, page 44
3 Bonneville Power Administration 1993 Annual Report, page 52

Electricity in Idaho & the Northwest

Reed Burkholder - Boise
Washington Water Power 1993
Fact Sheet, March 24, 1997

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