the film
Numerical data in tables

Columbia/Snake Inland Waterway

by Reed Burkholder
Breaching Dams to Save Idaho's Salmon & Steelhead - December 31, 1995

Who pays for this waterway?

  Waterway Costs Waterway
User Fees
8 dams and locks1 426,721,000 0 426,721,000
Dredging the shipping channel2 8,000,000 0 8,000,000
Replace broken Ice Harbor lock gate3 7,500,000 0 7,500,000
Operation and Maintenance4 9,134,000 0 9,134,000
Salmon-loss mitigation-      
Lower Snake River Compensation3
8,000,000 0 8,000,000
Columbia River Juvenile Fish3
for 1996
52,000,000 0 52,000,000
New Bonneville Lock (1993)5 329,000,000 (a) 329,000,000

1 source: Bonneville Power Administration Financial Summary, 1991. These costs are listed on page 35 as "Nonreimbursable-Navigation" Allocations for plant Investment.
2 Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 1993, Appendix One, pg. 411
3 Synopsis of the Walla Walla District 1996 budget, Corps of Engineers
4 A Congressional Budget Office Study, May 1992 "Paying for Highways, Airways, and Waterways: How Can Users Be Charged?" page 55
5 1992 The Great Waterway, The Columbia Snake River System, page 53
6 Paid for by the public with U.S. Treasury funds through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

(a) 50% of the Bonneville lock was funded by the Inland Waterways Trust Fund. Receipts from the Columbia Snake from the Inland Waterways Fuel Tax have never exceeded $507,000, the receipts for 1994(estimate based upon ton/miles). The U.S. Treasury funded the other 50%.

Reed Burkholder
Columbia/Snake Inland Waterway
Breaching Dams to Save Idaho's Salmon and Steelhead - December 31, 1995

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