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Commentaries and editorials

Weigh In On
Lower Snake River Dams

by Mary G.L. Shackelford
Vashon Island Beachcomber, July 6, 2022

Map showing location of 4 lower Snake River dams and reservoirs being considered for removal If you care about salmon, orca or honoring the treaties, July 11 is the deadline for action.

The Southern Resident Orcas are critically endangered and the four lower Snake River dams play the biggest part in why salmon runs -- orcas' prime food -- are depleted and struggling.

Sen. Murray and Gov. Inslee recently released their initiative to develop a plan to recover Northwest salmon and steelhead populations. Their draft report examines the means for replacing the services currently provided by the lower Snake River dams and demonstrates that these services can be replaced. View the report at, and email your comments about it by July 11 to info@lsrdoptions@org.

Both NCAI (National Congress of American Indians) and ATNI (Affiliated Tribes of NW Indians) passed resolutions calling for the breaching of the Snake dams, in order to meet US treaty obligations for tribes' access to salmon.

An overwhelming majority of scientists have concluded that the only way to restore Columbia-Snake River Basin salmon is to breach the four dams on the Snake River.

The four Snake dams provide little in the way of energy and are lethal salmon-killing machines due to the hot stagnant water they produce.

We have a historic opportunity to achieve the largest salmon recovery in the lower 48 states, develop and invest in a comprehensive solution that protects and restores salmon, upholds our nation's promises to Northwest Tribes, creates economic opportunity, and invests in our communities and infrastructure.

Go to and and support breaching the dams in order to save salmon, uphold promises and get justice for Northwest Tribes, and invest in green alternatives that keep communities whole. Dams are replaceable; salmon are not. See also and To get involved locally, contact

Mary G.L. Shackelford, Spokane
Weigh In On Lower Snake River Dams
Vashon Island Beachcomber, July 6, 2022

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